Blogging Tips for Total Losers
Start your blog, loser.
So you want to start a blog, do you now? You have seen YouTube videos about influential bloggers making more money in a month than you do in a year at your, “essential service worker” job. The most influential thing you have ever said that instantly changed a prospective client’s decision was, “Do you want fries with that?”
You have seen their blogs and were dumbfounded by their simplicity and lack of substance for any reader with an I.Q. exceeding the double digits. You are certain you could create a better blog with more useful content if only visitors would come to read your content.
Don’t worry, a fellow Total Loser is here to offer you guidance. You need not be a popular influencer to have a successful money-making blog. If you put in the work, you can be a successful blogger too.
1: Create an intriguing name and image for your Blog.
You can use a pen name instead of your own as the name behind your blog brand to make it sound less loser like. You can also use a cartoonish image that looks like an attractive person, or even your brand logo as the image that is the face of your brand to hide your true identity.
An intriguing blog name will be the first thing people see when they visit your blog, choose one that gets attention, and lets your readers know what your blog is about.
2: Blog about what you know.
If you want to be a successful blogger you must blog about what you know. Don’t start a blog about horse care if your only experience with horses is riding a merry-go-round, only a total loser would think that was a good idea.
You have knowledge tumbling around in that cranium of yours that will be helpful to others. The topic you know the most about is the one you should start blogging about.
3: S.E.O.–Search Engine Optimization.
People will search for what they want information about by typing it into the search engine of their choice. The search engines will list websites based on what they believe will best answer the searcher’s intent.
If you want people to find your blog using a search engine, you must create content that best answers the question the person is searching for. Many people are searching for answers to questions they have and type in, “How to…“, “Why do…”, “Can…” Keep that in mind when writing your blog posts.
When they are considering purchasing an item, they will type in the product name followed by “review”. If you are knowledgeable about popular items, writing reviews about them may be a good idea for a blog post topic.
4: Advertise your blog, viewers must know you exist.
In the actual world being a total loser, you may be used to people not knowing that you exist, but online people must know your blog is there, and your content is a valuable resource. There are many free ways to let people who are interested in your niche know that your blog exists.
Facebook is the most popular social media platform. You will easily find people in your niche by searching for Facebook groups in your niche. It would be best if you created a Facebook business page first with a name that matches your blog name.
Many Facebook groups will let you join with your business page, which will hide your actual identity. You then interact with people in these groups using your business name, and eventually, they will become curious and click on your business name to see who you are.
Once you have created a Facebook Business page, you can invite people to join and share your blog content with your viewers. Facebook has changed its algorithm and does not show your blog post shared on your page to many of your follower’s news feed.
Clicking on the link to your blog would take viewers off Facebook, and send them to your blog, Facebook doesn’t want that.
The best way to get Facebook traffic is if followers come to your business page and click your link from there. You will need to be active on your page and build an active community to keep followers returning to your Facebook page regularly.
Pinterest is another big platform, but it is more of a search engine than a social media platform. Pinterest will also drive more traffic to your website than Facebook will.
If you are a blogger who wants to promote your blog, then set up a Pinterest Business account, not the personal account. After setting up your Pinterest account, you can create pin images with links back to your blog articles to drive traffic to your website.
You start by creating boards, and then you add pins to your boards, you can add other people’s pins to your board as well, which is something you want to do to make your board more interesting. If you are adding other people’s pins to your board, other people will add your pins to their board giving your blog even more exposure.
5: Post new content daily.
According to R.G. Ramsey from
eBook Guidance we must post new content daily. If you are a loser, that shouldn’t be a problem. What else have you got to do? It’s not like you have any friends to hang out with.
Keep adding new content to your blog every day to give your readers a reason to coming back to spend time on your blog.
Good luck, losers. After you create a successful blog, you will be a loser no more.
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